Johnson Puts Donors Before Students with Disabilities Print
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin   
Thursday, 04 August 2016 10:14

ron-johnson-speaksSenator seeks to stop Feds from investigating private schools for violations of Americans with Disabilities Act.

MADISON - Last month, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson proposed an amendment to an appropriations bill that would prohibit the Justice Department from enforcing key provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act at private schools that receive public funds, a measure he said was necessary to protect voucher programs from politically motivated attacks.

Senator Johnson’s plan to put donors before students with disabilities looks is paying off. Susan Mitchell, a prominent supporter of Milwaukee’s school voucher program, plans to host a fundraiser for Senator Johnson tonight. Mitchell founded School Choice Wisconsin and, along with her husband, has donated more than $100,000 dollars to elected officials in favor of school vouchers. 

The fundraiser comes a month after Senator Johnson buried an amendment that would make it legal for taxpayer funded schools to discriminate against students with disabilities. Families of students with disabilities have come out against the measure, with one father saying it would mean “more closed doors and lost opportunities” for his son. But the amendment has garnered support from the people Senator Johnson cares about - wealthy backers who support his campaign. 

“Whether it’s supporting Trump after he mocked a disabled reporter, or fundraising off wealthy donors who support legalized discrimination, Senator Johnson has shown time and time again that he’s more concerned with his reelection than with students with disabilities. He knew his amendment was bad for students with disabilities and that’s why, in classic Washington fashion, he tried to hide it. Of course, he’s more than happy to raise money off it,” said Harry Hartfield, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

Last Updated on Saturday, 06 August 2016 10:31