NBC Examines Climate Change Sunday Night Print
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Written by GBP Staff   
Friday, 04 April 2014 11:19

hurricane-sandyGREEN BAY - It’s been years in the making, called “Global Warming” for many years and laughed at by countless Republican and other right wing reactionaries, but it seems at least one major TV network is about to take man made climate change seriously.

At least that’s the hope as NBC presents “Ann Curry Reports: Our Year of Extremes: Did Climate Change Just Hit Home?” this Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. central time.

In a special one-hour documentary, NBC's Ann Curry travels from the Arctic, to drought-stricken regions in the American West, to the edge of rising seas in Florida and into extreme weather events all over the globe.

The debate is over, and all evidence suggests that climate change is here to stay, bringing with it the harsh extremes of hot and cold, drought, storms, hurricanes, and sea level rise that we will have to deal with for the rest of this century and beyond.

Gone is the nice sounding “Global Warming” and with it the images of palm trees in Green Bay and year around summer. It appears that, while the politicians debated and looked the other way, we missed the opportunity to stop it or even slow it down.

So everyone should be watching Sunday to see if NBC pulls any punches or ducks the issue once again. A real examination of the issue in prime time on the networks that the average citizen watch has been needed for years. Let’s hope that this is it, and that people actually tune in.

Last Updated on Monday, 07 April 2014 10:24