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Groups Call for April 7th Election to be Postponed PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by League of Women Voters WI, Debra Cronmiller   
Saturday, 28 March 2020 11:10

veteran-olderLeague of Women Voters Wisconsin, community organizers, labor say it may be too late to print and mail 3.3 million absentee ballots, unregistered but eligible voters may be omitted.

Last Updated on Saturday, 28 March 2020 11:53
Hintz Stresses Greater Election Access and Safety PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Aaron Collins   
Saturday, 28 March 2020 09:40

voter-primariesWants legislators to work together to protect voters, poll workers, clerks and local leaders around State during this global pandemic.

MADISON – Assembly Democratic Leader Representative Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement in support of Governor Evers’ call to increase election access and safety by sending every registered voter in Wisconsin an absentee ballot.

gordon_hintz“Every decision and non-decision made during this global pandemic has consequences. It is important that lawmakers do everything possible to best preserve the foundations of who we are and what we must maintain to move forward and continue during this crisis.

“Our democracy is built on equal access to the ballot box. During this public health crisis, too many Wisconsinites will be faced with the impossible choice between their health and their constitutionally protected right to vote. Poll workers, clerks and local leaders around are looking for answers from state government on how to hold the upcoming elections in a safe, fair manner. While delaying the election until the state can move to mail only balloting would be my preference, I understand that even that action has consequences and lacks the immediate support necessary to happen in time for the April 7 election.

“I’m appreciative that Governor Evers is proposing solutions to ensure that as many people as possible can safely vote in our elections on April 7th. We now need Republican leadership to step up and recognize that acting to best protect our democracy and keep people safe is both necessary and possible.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 28 March 2020 09:55
Erpenbach Calls for Action to Keep Voters Safe PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Jon Erpenbach Press. State Senator 27th District   
Friday, 27 March 2020 09:00

voter-usMadison area Senator wants solutions that will make it easier to limit in-person contact at spring election.

West Point – Senator Jon Erpenbach released the following statement regarding the April Spring Election:

jon-erpenbach“Since the beginning of the COVID-19 public health crisis, I have heard from poll workers, clerks and local leaders from around my district who are looking for ways to make it as safe as possible for voters to exercise their right to vote. Unfortunately, many of these changes require the Legislature to take action to adjust current statute and cannot be done by Executive Order. Therefore, I am calling on the Republican Majority Leaders to work with Democrats and those tasked with running our elections to find solutions that will make it easier to limit in-person contact and provide the flexibility needed to make that happen as soon as possible. The April 7 election is just around the corner and we need action now.”

Shilling Reacts to Senator Risser Retirement PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Thursday, 26 March 2020 17:18

fred-risser-senator-wiSenate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling highlights his many accomplishments as he leaves public service.

Priorities USA Expands 'Exponential Threat' Ad Buy to Arizona PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Thursday, 26 March 2020 16:19

trump-covidMove follows Trump Campaign's Failed Challenge.

Washington, DC—On Wednesday, the Trump campaign sent letters to TV stations threatening their licenses if they continued to air the Priorities USA Action ad "Exponential Threat," which holds Donald Trump accountable using his own words downplaying the threat of the coronavirus while the infection rates skyrocketed across the country. That intimidation effort failed and the ad is continuing to air across Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Today, Priorities USA Action is expanding the buy into Arizona over the next few weeks with an initial $600,000 investment. This investment is in addition to the $6 million that Priorities USA Action announced it's spending in other battleground states to hold Trump accountable for the disastrous impact of his failed response to the pandemic. 

"Donald Trump spent weeks downplaying the threat of the coronavirus and his inaction left the country unprepared for this crisis. Even today, his lies are putting the health of millions of Americans at risk," said Guy Cecil, Chairman of Priorities USA. "The fact that Trump is going to such great lengths to keep the American people from hearing his own words adds to the urgency of communicating them far and wide. Trump doesn't want voters to know the truth. We will not be intimidated. We'll keep telling the truth and holding Donald Trump accountable."

Last Updated on Friday, 27 March 2020 16:26
Wisconsin Dems Announce Voter Assistance Hotline PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Wednesday, 25 March 2020 16:21

voterid_handIn this time of confusion and rumor, Democratic Party of Wisconsin steps up with hotline.

MADISON, WI - The Democratic Party of Wisconsin has unveiled a Voter Assistance Hotline to field questions from voters regarding casting an absentee ballot for the April 7 election for the Presidential Preference Primary, Wisconsin Supreme Court, and thousands of local races across the state.

“In this moment of crisis, the continued functioning of our democracy is more vital than ever,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler. “Our Voter Assistance Hotline will ensure voters can connect with the resources and support they need to safely cast their ballot for the Spring election. No one should have to risk their health and wellbeing to make their voice count.

The Democratic Party of Wisconsin is encouraging all voters to request an absentee ballot by mail by 5:00 PM CT on Thursday, April 2, the deadline to make such a request. The deadline to register online to vote was extended to Monday March 30 thanks to a lawsuit filed by the state party and the DNC last week.

DPW’s Voter Assistance Hotline can be reached at 608-DEM-3232, or 608-336-3232.

Make Sure Your Voice is Heard! Request an Absentee Ballot Now PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Jay Wadd   
Wednesday, 25 March 2020 15:36

voter-primariesThe COVID-19 outbreak and the Governor's 'Safer at Home' order are likely to disrupt participation in the spring election. Absentee ballots must be returned to the clerk’s office by 8:00 pm on Election Day.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 25 March 2020 16:18
Wisconsinites Speak Out Amidst Trump’s Effort to Repeal ACA PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Monday, 23 March 2020 11:02

donald-trump-littleAs we mark the 10th Anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, real people worry they will lose the coverage they need to stay alive.

MADISON, WI - Monday marks the 10th anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act, which enshrined into law protections for people with pre-existing conditions and helped bring health care to more than 20 million Americans. In Wisconsin alone, more than 2.4 people have pre-existing conditions and in 2019 over 200,000 Wisconsinites selected a marketplace plan during the open enrollment period.

Despite the positive impact of the law for millions of Wisconsinites and Americans everywhere, Donald Trump continues to try to repeal the law. In doing so he is breaking numerous campaign promises to protect people with pre-existing conditions and expand coverage at a lower cost. Trump, despite his best efforts, failed to repeal the law in December of 2017, and since then has done everything to undermine the law. Currently, his Department of Justice is part of a lawsuit that aims to invalidate the entire ACA.

Wisconsinites have been living in fear since Trump took office as they worry they will lose the coverage they need to stay alive. See below for what Wisconsinites are saying on the 10th anniversary of the passage of the ACA:

Kyleigh Forrester -- West Allis: “I’ll be eligible to vote for the first time this year, and I know I will be casting my ballot against Donald Trump because of his relentless assault on protections for people like myself with pre-existing conditions. I was born hypoplastic right syndrome -- in short, I was born with half a heart. My dream is to become a pediatric cardiologist so I can help kids like myself, but I believe that is only possible if I continue to have the support of the ACA.”

Sarah Conklin -- Appleton: “I am the poster child for pre-existing conditions. In the last 26 years I’ve had 16 surgeries, given birth, have been diagnosed with relapsing/remitting MS, am a five year breast cancer survivor and was treated for PTSD. Without the Affordable Care Act, it is hard to imagine I’d be alive right now, which makes president Trump’s zeal to repeal the law that much worse. He promised he’d protect people like, but it’s clear that was nothing more than an election year ploy -- Trump doesn’t care about people like me.”

Tina Hinchley -- Cambridge: “My life was nearly over when I had a brain tumor a few years ago. Without the Affordable Care Act, we would have lost our farm, our livelihood, and our future. The ACA allowed me to have the best possible care when my prognosis looked very grim. I am very thankful for the ACA, it truly saved my life. If Trump gets his way, other people with serious illnesses will not get the care they need. I got a second chance, because the ACA was there for me!”

Tina Pohlman -- Eau Claire: “Without the Affordable Care Act I don’t think I would be alive today. The fact I can get the care I need without being penalized for having multiple pre-existing conditions allows me to live a fulfilling life, and the fact Trump wants to take all that away for no reason should send a message to every Wisconsinite of where his priorities lie. He is breaking his promise to me and the other 2.4 million Wisconsinites who have a pre-existing condition, and that alone should disqualify him from serving a second term in office.”

Shannon Thielman -- Wausau: “The only reason I am able to speak out on the Anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act is because this legislation has kept me alive. I’m a cancer survivor, which means like millions of other Wisconsinites I have a pre-existing condition. I was only able to get the care I needed because insurance companies couldn’t now kick me off my coverage thanks to the ACA. The idea that Donald Trump wants to go back to a time where people like me couldn’t get coverage is obscene. Trump’s broken promises to protect the more than 2.4 million Wisconsinites like me is an affront to everyone who trusted this president to keep his word."

Chelsey Schaumberg -- Seymour: “My daughter was born with a pre-existing condition, and now Donald Trump wants to punish her for that. The Affordable Care Act ensures that I can get my daughter the care she needs now and for the rest of her life, but now that security is under threat as Trump continues to try to have the protections we rely on stripped away for no reason. He promised us he’d have our backs, but as soon as he took his office he changed his tune. We can’t trust him to keep his word and cannot another four years of him in office.”

Nick Gibson -- Wausau: “Before the Affordable Care Act, the idea of affording my insulin and the equipment I needed was a daily struggle for me and my mom. Insurance companies discriminated against me for my pre-existing condition and there were often times we had to decide to either pay for my medicine or another bill. 10 years ago The ACA changed all that, but now with Donald Trump as president we’re looking at the very real possibility we’ll go back to that time where life and death decisions were all too real for many of us."

Priorities USA Wants to Hold Trump Accountable for Failing Coronavirus Response PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Priorities USA Press   
Monday, 23 March 2020 10:27

trump-ques-covid19-cnnAction Group launches initial $6 Million TV & Digital Ad Buy to expose the President for misleading the American people during the rapidly worsening coronavirus pandemic.

Democrats grow nervous over primary delays PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by The Hill Press   
Sunday, 22 March 2020 09:33

univ-student-voteExpress desire for closure to the primaries and getting on with the business of beating Donald Trump.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 March 2020 09:40
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